View and vote on suggestions


Author: machinebreaker

In my opinion they should implement their own scoreboard system, which could be deactivated or activated at the user's request.

Status: Implemented


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Add Private Games

Author: ItzSanuka

A feature where only a player with the perms tnttag.private can do a command like /tnttag private to toggle private games mode and what this does is the game will only invite the players in that player's party into a new private game.

Status: Open


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Support for Parties plugin

Author: ItzSanuka

Status: Implemented


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Author: machinebreaker

In my opinion they should implement or change the variable: "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_currentPlayers%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_minPlayers%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_maxPlayers%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_survivors%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_taggers%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_spectators%", "%tnttag_arena_ARENA_NAME_state%". Exactly the variable should detect the world in which the player or game is located instead of setting it manually.

Status: Implemented


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Sort prefixes to TAB

Author: tobik

I mean to be able to enable prefix sorting by some order, e.g.: (I propose this mainly because players had some strange problem (confusion, confusion was) when prefixes were randomly scattered on TAB - I think you know what's going on) - survivor - tagger - spectator

Status: Won't be implemented


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Menu of available games

Author: machinebreaker

In my opinion they should implement some file or configuration to be able to modify the menu, perhaps be able to add decorative items, items that execute commands and so on.

Status: Open


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MySQL support

Author: ItzSanuka

Why not try to add database support such as MySQL as that's probably what all server owners use to store player's game stats?

Status: Open


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spectator update

Author: opasik

Request to expand the function of the spectator (observer after the explosion - lost round) to be able to set himself: - greater speed - the ability to teleport to players who are playing - possibility to enter the first-person mode in a given player

Status: Open


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Appearing objects on the map

Author: tobik

Something like that used to be for example on SCB, that is, you set on the map the places where such items should appear that would make the game a little easier and that could be raised only by the person escaping. In general, it would be possible to add such a thing and add, for example, a limit on the appearance of, for example, 1-2 special items/skills per round, and make up to what number of players they are to appear. For example: - Invisibility for about 5-8 seconds - Increase in speed, for example, such as the person chasing or a little more for 3-5 seconds - Teleportation, for example, to a preset place on the map or to the nearest player who is running away - Superman jump or something like that, the player gets, for example, a high jump of 3-5 for a few seconds - Snowballs, for example a few pieces that would be able to throw players such a knockback - Protection/shield from receiving TNT,for example, the player has 50-99% that he will not receive tnt when hitting and for example, this lasts for 10 seconds And actually it could be done on the principle of lying on the ground or something like holograms with the name of the item/skill. All in all, too, you could then add, for example, a random item/skill, meaning the player doesn't know what they will get It didn't hurt you to propose

Status: Open


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Czas trwania rundy

Author: tobik

Have you thought about adding an option to make the round last shorter depending on the number of players? Because, however, when there are, for example, 2, 3, 4 players, it is a bit long for them, for example, these 60s, depending on who sets how

Status: Open


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Game add-ons

Author: tobik

You added some time ago on my request that players can attack each other, and as if to add something else similar for example. When I hit an opponent I have a chance to get, for example, 3-5% to receive the speed 3 for a few seconds, and then this speed returns to the speed set in the arena And when a player hits me I have a 3-5% chance of receiving a slowdown of 1 for a few seconds , and then this speed returns to that speed from the speed set in the arena So basically, hitting a player I have 3% to receive an increased speed for a few seconds (to have a chance to escape) And when a player hits me he has 3% to impose a slowdown of 1 on me to (have a chance to escape) This is always something new and interesting would be

Status: Open


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Exp bar timer to action bar

Author: Pixie

pls add some configuration to enable or disable exp bar timer to action bar, cause its replacing users xp when timer set to zero making their xp resetted

Status: Won't be implemented


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Viewing direction

Author: opasik

ganiany: startLocation: world: ganiany x: -9.5 y: 115.0 z: 22.5 lobbyLocation: world: ganiany x: -9.5 y: 115.0 z: 22.5 It would be nice if there was an option to set the viewing direction, so you could set it up nicely for yourself

Status: Open


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"Play again" button as soon as the game ends

Author: Kisher

Add "play again" and "leave" buttons, which may appear in the chat, in the last 10 seconds in the end of the game (assuming that the delay is also added). The first button would send the player to a random arena, while the second one could just send them to the global lobby. They may look like this: (translation in the image's description) PLEASE MAKE IT CONFIGURABLE so you can add more lines, just like the "startMessage" config.

Status: Open


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Teleport after arena ends

Author: opasik

global-lobby: false globalLobby: lobby_trybow,5.5,93.0,-2.5,178.18604,1.2842805 This may be on the strength of the proposal, but will try I want to ask you what do you think about such option to be able to individually assign e.g. a command to be called after the end of the round - currently when the global-lobby is off you assigned the command back And so someone could set I don't know /spawn or forcibly /warp lobby_tnttag /warp lobby something along those lines, it wouldn't hurt me to ask you

Status: Open


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Teleport after arena ends

Author: opasik

global-lobby: false globalLobby: lobby_trybow,5.5,93.0,-2.5,178.18604,1.2842805 This may be on the strength of the proposal, but will try I want to ask you what do you think about such option to be able to individually assign e.g. a command to be called after the end of the round - currently when the global-lobby is off you assigned the command back And so someone could set I don't know /spawn or forcibly /warp lobby_tnttag /warp lobby something along those lines, it wouldn't hurt me to ask you

Status: Open


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config - command

Author: opasik

Adding support also for calling commands as a player arena-finish-commands: - spawn

Status: Implemented


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Toggle automatic back

Author: opasik

Status: Implemented


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customization - actionBarMessages

Author: opasik

actionBarMessages: tagger: '&x&f&f&4&4&4&4Jesteś ganiającym!' survivor: '&x&4&0&d&d&4&0Jesteś uciekającym, UCIEKAJ!' Possibly think about adding an additional message for the observer (unless it doesn't make sense - I suggest it because one of the players who tested with me suggested it)

Status: Implemented


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Author: opasik

player: tagged: '&x&f&f&4&4&4&4Zostałeś trafiony przez &x&f&4&c&4&5&5{tagger}&x&f&f&4&4&4&4, uderz kogoś innego, zanim wybuchniesz!' tagger-removed: '&8Udało ci się! Nie jesteś już ganiającym, uciekaj!' Ok, I would like to ask for a little support therefore (already shows what I mean) When players hit each other there is admittedly spam of this ```yaml tagged: '' tagger-removed: ''``` I tried something like this, but then it also appears (but a blank line) and I wonder if there would be an option to add a support option that it is possible to disable the display of, for example, these 2 messages?

Status: Implemented


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Death command when round finishes

Author: Kisher

Add death command in "round-finish-commands", which can be used to give loser players a small prize for participating.

Status: Implemented


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TAB plugin

Author: tobik

Status: Implemented


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